Sunday, August 9, 2009

Birthday and Boo Boo

Although we haven't had anything too exciting going on, my golden birthday was last week. Chad surprised me with a "golden" cake, sweet card and an evening out with the ladies. We had a fantastic time at Olive Garden.

The next evening, Ethan got his first "real" boo boo. Poor little guy. He was walking toy to toy in the play room, got really excited and slamed his nose and forehead into a toy. Fortunately, no stitches were needed. His mark is completely healed now and he's back to walking around the house.

We have been so blessed the last couple weeks to have the Laird children over for play dates. We LOVE these kids! I kept trying to capture a photo of them playing together and finally snuck up behind them for this snapshot. Watching our children play with others is such an incredible joy, isn't it?

Last but not least, I thought I would share this photo because it is the closest one I have of him actually walking. Looking at his posture is sooo convicting. I bet my chiropractor bill would be much less if I were more mindful of MY posture.

Well, I hope to be back on before too long with the popular "walking" photos.

"There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no rock like our God."
1 Samuel 2:2
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