Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We're getting closer!!!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose". Romans 8:28


In case, you are unaware....in the beginning of January, the India adoption authorities told us we have to have an US adoption decree for Ethan in order to move forward with Sarah's adoption process. This was VERY disheartening for us as we were hoping to travel in February but God had other plans. Although, our attitudes weren't always great, we complied. There's more details in between but God did a miracle a couple weeks ago and CARA (the India adoption authority) granted us NOC and moved forward with our process anyway. Recently, we had a court date for Ethan's "re adoption".

HUGE praises in regards to Ethan's court date....
  • The judge waived our publication requirement! This is saving us 600-800 dollars and 3+ weeks we would wait for a decree. This has never happened before. :)
  • We will have our final court date this coming Monday,Feb. 28th. Normally, adoption court in our county is only 2 Wednesdays a month. However, our judge was very reasonable and agreed to meet with our lawyer ANY time or day that worked for him
In addition to all this, Sarah's papers are currently in the Kolkata courts. This means, that the courts have already cleared our paperwork and are going to bring it before a judge for him to make it official. Our case worker from Dillon International told us all cases should be cleared sometime between last Thursday and March 3rd. However, we have to hold this information lightly since court dates in India are often delayed.
So, here's a basic outline of what's left....

  • Kokata courts grant us guardianship
  • ISRC (the orphanage) lawyer drafts up an adoption decree! This is a HUGE blessing for us as this means we will be able to get our adoption tax credit in 2012 AND will make all of her re finalization processes MUCH EASIER! God always knows what we need before we even ask!
  • After the adoption decree is drafted and signed by a judge, we will put in for Sarah's passport. The passport should take 2-4 weeks.
  • One we have her passport, we can make arrangements for our trip to India! We will probably leave within a week of receiving Sarah's passport.
I know there are no pictures right now but I'll try and work on that later. I've been a little behind on pictures lately.

Love you all and thank you for your prayers!

"But those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary; they will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31


Saskia Courtney said...

Yay, this is great news! I'm so excited for you guys! Can't wait to meet Sarah! :)

Racquel said...

Thanks for the update! Getting closer. God is soooo good!

Kristi W. said...

Don't know how I missed your blog, but just came upon it. I'm a fellow Dillon Mom on my third India adoption. We just passed court last week so we are at the same point in the process. I sure hope you hear good news this week from Jynger! Your sweet baby girl is adorable!

:) Kristi W.

Chad and Jess said...

Kristi, thank you for posting! I'm so excited to hear you were one of the families that received clearance! HOORAY! PRAISE GOD! Could you email me?


Peter and Nancy said...

She is so lovely! And your son is so sweet -- what fun they'll have together soon. Praying that you hear good news in the next few days . . .

Melanie said...

Thanks so much for posting on my blog so that I could find yours! Your little girl is absolutely adorable! I am excited for you guys and look forward to following how your family will soon grow to 4!!