Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pictures, Visas, and Approvals!

"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven." Hebrews 1:3

After more than 2 months of waiting, we have been legally approved as Sarah's guardians!! We already knew she was ours, but now it's officially on paper. :) Sometime in May, we should be holding our baby girl. Before we can travel, we still have a couple more steps to be completed...

1) We are waiting for the judge in India to sign Sarah's adoption court order. This is her adoption decree. We are hoping to have this step completed within the next week or two.

2) Once we have the legal papers, her passport is applied for. For some families, this has taken as few as 7 days while other families have waited over 2 weeks.

Once the orphanage director has these papers in her hands, we email the embassy in New Delhi and can book our flight to India. Pretty exciting, right!?

Since legal papers for all the families have been moving along, we should be getting more pictures! Here's a picture I received today of our precious 17 month old daughter. It looks like our baby girl is WALKING!!

Thank you for all your prayers!

Jessica and Chad


this One's for the girls said...

Hooray! I have been checking blogs compulsively to see if anyone is moving ahead -- I am so happy for this step to be done for you! I love her great big eyes in that photo. :o) Praying for a speedy rest of the process . . .

Melanie said...

She is adorable! I am so happy to hear that things are moving along! Soon, so soon you will be able to hold your daughter!

Racquel said...

It looks like things are moving along :) It is great to see her out of that crib! I didn't realize that Sarah and Gideon are only one month apart.